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Greek Week unites Greek community

Mercer University hosted its annual Greek week throughout the week of March 26.
Every year, Order of Omega organizes Greek week and sets up a number of events that all Greek organizations can participate in.
Order of Omega is a national Greek leadership honor society.
It recognizes students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek activities, service to the community and academic excellence.
During Greek Week, each Greek sorority and fraternity chapter can earn a certain number of points by winning events or having high attendance rates at each event.
Greek week is a week of events that aims towards the ultimate goal of uniting students within the Greek community in an enjoyable and positive manner.
The schedule for Greek week this year consisted of: participation in the SHAPE carnival on Monday, Greek grillers and a band party on Tuesday, trivia night at Margaritas on Wednesday, Greek games on Thursday, and the car bash for Relay for Life on Friday.
At the end of Greek week, the amount of points earned by each chapter is added up and a winner is announced.
This year, the winner of Greek week will be announced at the Greek awards, which are being held later this month.
In comparison to previous years, the attendance rate of Greek week was much higher this year. No one was able to give a specific answer as to why.
However, according to Order of Omega president Evan Summerville, there is still some room for improvement.
“While I think that there was more participation than at last year’s Greek week, I felt as though the Greek community as a whole definitely was not as involved as I would have liked. Many people came to our events, however, the Greek community is very large and there definitely could have been some larger crowds,” said Summerville.
Order of Omega is continuously striving to increase the attendance rates of Greek week for the upcoming years.
Current members of the Order of Omega organization suggest that in the future, Greek week should be planned further in advance.
“If the details of each event are planned earlier, there will be more time to perfect the events so that they can reach their greatest potential,” said Summerville.
Summerville believes that in order to make Greek week as popular as it should be, attendance rates need to increase.
“I hear things about how awesome this event is at other schools and I want that for Mercer as well,” said Summerville.
Greek week takes place in order to promote unity throughout the Greek community as a whole.
“Greek Week brings out comraderie and competition amongst members of the Greek community. I liked participating in the community events and games this year,” said Sigma Nu, Albert Sykes.
It is supposed to be a stress-free and fun way to get students involved with Greek life. Order of Omega member Kelsey Dillard said, “Everyone really seemed to be bonding and having a great time together. I think it increased morale for everyone.”
Overall, Greek week was more successful this year then it has been in the past.
The amount of time and effort that each Order of Omega member put into planning this event seemed to pay off.
Dillard said, “It was so great to see all of our hard work come to fruition.”
Order of Omega hopes to see this event continue to expand and become more popular within the Greek community in upcoming years.
Students are already excited for Greek Week 2013.
“Greek Week is awesome. I can’t wait for next year,” added Sykes.

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