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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024
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Fan of the Week: Brad Cork

Margaritas in Mercer Village is a great place to hang out and eat with friends. Mercer students have indulged in the convenience of its placement since it was built. Anyone who has ever eaten there can clearly see that Margaritas loves Mercer and loves celebrating Mercer Athletics.

Brad Cork, co-owner, is the reason for Margaritas’ faithful support of all Mercer Sports teams. From displaying jerseys and memorabilia on the walls to showing regular season and high stakes matches for customers, Margaritas and Cork always maintain support for Mercer’s teams.

Cork grew up in Macon and went to Georgia College, which is now called Georgia College and State University. He married into the family that had owned Margaritas since 1988.

“I quit my real job to work in the family business some years ago.  My next-door neighbor works for the developer of the Lofts, and he told us they were planning some lofts at Mercer a year or so before they were built,” said Cork. “He said that the students all wanted a Mexican restaurant to go in the retail space and asked if we were interested.”

Cork and his wife Valerie jumped at the great opportunity to run the Mercer Village location. They have been running Margaritas in Mercer Village since 2011, when it opened.

“I became involved in Mercer Athletics after opening here in 2011 and getting to know all the various members of the different teams,” said Cork. “Coach Hoffman was one of the first people from Mercer to introduce himself to us. He brought a Jersey to us to put up on the wall shortly after we opened, and we have had a great relationship since.”

Cork is devoted to attending Mercer sporting events, getting to know both athletes and coaches and supporting the teams however he can.

“I really enjoy every aspect of running this location,” said Cork. “It has been a pleasure being a part of Mercer and getting to know everyone here.”

Mercer Athletics have become a way of life for Cork and his family. His whole family enjoys watching and tailgating for Mercer sporting events.

“I truly enjoy every sport here, but I must admit that I have a special place for soccer. My son plays it, and he enjoys coming to the men’s and women’s games,” said Cork. “We also enjoy loading up on the ‘Margaritas shuttle’ golf cart (AKA Taco One) and tailgating on the golf cart in right field of the baseball games. All my kids enjoy coming to the various sporting events here.”

Although Cork was more of a working man growing up, he has always been around sports.

“I enjoyed playing all sports growing up but did not play organized sports,” said Cork. “I started working at 16 and decided that I liked making money more than playing sports.

I really don’t follow many other sports teams very closely anymore.”

While Cork does not support other teams, owning the restaurant has really enabled him to become involved.

“I want to support Mercer Athletics as much as I can not only because it is good for business but because I enjoy doing what I can,” said Cork. “Most of the teams and their families have been very good to us, so naturally, I would like to help out in return. Admittedly, before opening this location, I did not follow Mercer very much at all.”

During his time running the Margaritas at Mercer Village, Mercer has had some of the greatest sports seasons in Mercer history, and Cork has had the opportunity to enjoy them.

“I think my best memory is one that is shared by thousands of others: the basketball win over Duke,” said Cork. “What a magical day that was, and hopefully we can experience something similar in the future!”

Cork and family are most excited for Mercer’s upcoming homecoming festivities.

“I look forward to the homecoming weekend games,” said Cork. “That should be a fantastic day on campus and at Margs!”espy


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