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Mercer club educates many about sex trafficking

The members of Traffick Jam, (from left to right) Alex Moreley, Elise Colquitt, Hannah Warren, Bradleigh Pierce, (in back) Tianna Ross and Jadon Murad.
The members of Traffick Jam, (from left to right) Alex Moreley, Elise Colquitt, Hannah Warren, Bradleigh Pierce, (in back) Tianna Ross and Jadon Murad.

Traffick Jam, originally a requirement of the Community Service Learning class, is a program that advocates for the end of sex trafficking and educates others on the issue.  

The organization was formed after several students from the course wanted to continue their efforts to end sex trafficking.

“Traffick Jam is important because sex trafficking is something that happens everywhere. Most students don’t realize sex trafficking is as big of an issue as it is, much less the fact that it’s very prominent here in Macon,” President Hannah Warren said.

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This year Traffick Jam has had a series of fundraisers and events. They participated in the Walk For Freedom, a silent protest held across the world to raise awareness of those enslaved, and have educated their peers about sex trafficking and its prevalence in Macon, said Warren.

“Our main goal is for (students) to know what sex trafficking is, and our hope is that after being able to recognize it, they will want to become involved in our efforts to end it for good,” Warren said.

The organization has had a record breaking year as they have now educated over 2,000 Macon-Bibb students about the dangers of sex trafficking through their various programs, according to a press release from the organization.

They have roughly 16 members in the club, but they are hoping for more students to get involved next semester and to increase the amount of involvement existing Mercer students have with the organization. The organization is currently in the process of creating a meeting time for next semester said Warren.

“I say (join Traffick Jam) because it is a great experience, and you will learn a lot and want to help people going through sex trafficking,” sophomore member Makenzie Tramell said.

They hope to have a more prominent presence on campus next semester and partner with local organizations to raise more awareness in the Macon community, Warren said.

To learn more about them and specific questions, their email is They also have an Instagram @traffickjam.georgia or search Traffick Jam on Facebook.

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