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Clusterscopes: Defining your goals for the year with tarot

Welcome to a new decade, a new year and a new semester — and welcome back to Clusterscopes, biweekly horoscopes using tarot cards.

Since we left for the holiday, we’ve survived several challenging astrological events. The last solar eclipse of the year hit the day after Christmas in the sign of hardworking Capricorn, and by the end of the break, six planets all stationed in the sign of the goat. Capricorn energy ushers in a no-nonsense view of your life and what you’re doing with it, so if you felt more inspired than usual to make change as 2020 began, it may be the planets at work. 

Now it’s time to stay focused on our goals as the Sun moves into Aquarius. A revolutionary, socially aware and inspired sign, Aquarius energy can motivate us to innovate — but it can also lead to distractions and disarray. We may want to fix everything all at once and lose sight of what’s important. That’s why I pulled the cards for the first tarotscopes of the year with goals in mind. If you’re feeling confused or unsure which direction to follow, look for your sign below to see where you should most focus your growth this year. 

Aries: Six of Wands

Progress will be swift.

This card appears when you’ve overcome an obstacle that’s limited you for some time, when you have put in the effort to solve a personal problem and deserve to be proud of your efforts. In terms of the future or setting goals, it can also signify a need to put yourself out there with a new idea and to become more comfortable accepting praise. More than anything, this card speaks to your potential for leaving behind a habit, mindset or lack of confidence that has limited you in the past. The specific issue will be different for every Aries, so take some time to identify the most serious barrier in your way.

Taurus: Two of Wands

You may be at a crossroads or simply unsure what your next move is.

Twos are the second step in a timeline: you’ve laid the groundwork, but choices still remain. Because we’re dealing with the suit of wands, you could be choosing between two intellectual pursuits — for example, a senior debating graduate school or the start of a career, or an underclassman trying to decide which internship offer to take for the summer. Either way, your goal this year is to figure out the most fulfilling way forward, to cut through the noise and to identify your true objective. (Two of Wands is traditionally associated with travel, especially overseas, if that helps.) 

Gemini: Warden of Crystals

Don’t lose yourself in pride for your accomplishments.

Corresponding with the King of Pentacles in the traditional tarot, the Warden is the master of their suit. The suit of Crystals pertains to the material, such as career, field of study or wealth, and the imagery of the card usually depicts someone sitting atop a throne, surrounded by the spoils of their efforts. Basically, this card forecasts great success and high social status. On the negative side, the Wardens often lose sight of where they came from and can lack empathy for those who have yet to achieve what they have. Your goal for 2020 may be to redirect your energies towards the goal you want, but it’s also to remain principled and kind while you do it. 2020 will likely bring you something great, but don’t forget those who supported you while you got there.

Cancer: Three of Cups

Appreciate what others have done for you, and don’t hesitate to let them in.

Did you make a habit of isolating yourself in 2019? Or did you struggle to appreciate the people around you? This card features three people celebrating the results of their hard work, but the emphasis here is not on what they achieved but how they got there: through teamwork and collaboration. Your goal this year may be to better acknowledge the contributions that your friends and peers have made to your life, to build a stronger social circle or to admit to yourself that you can’t do everything alone. It’s okay to reach out to others. 

Leo: Nine of Wands

All that’s left is the final step.

Following the Eights, the message underlying the Nines is of resilience. Your faith has been tested, your boundaries have been challenged and your confidence in your ability to move forward may have been shaken. Your challenge this year is to get back on track. You may have to retrace your steps and decide what landed you in this position. What choices could you have made differently? What habits are you trying to maintain, even if you know they are only setting you back? The Nines are the last step on the road to completion at the Tens. You have almost made it — what final action can you take to get there?

Virgo: Rooted

You deserve to feel comfortable, internally and environmentally.

It’s time to think about, well, your roots. Where do you come from? Where do you feel safest? Are these the same place? What can you do to create an environment where you feel at ease? This card could indicate moving in the sense of changing your living space, but it also refers to simply being comfortable with motion. For example, when you find yourself in a situation, partnership or friend group that doesn’t serve you, do you just wait for it to end — or do you leave? If you’ve been patiently waiting for things to change, it’s time to make moves. But these moving parts aren’t all physical. Almost any location can be comfortable as long as you’re at peace with yourself. Look inward: is something amiss in your inner world? This is your year for physical and emotional peace, and you’re responsible for seeing it through.

Libra: Warden of Daggers

The ultimate exaltation of the Daggers, the Warden is a “speaker of truth,” according to Marble Moon Tarot designer Samantha West. “They call us to do our research, and then speak the truth as well.”

For you, this may mean that you’re struggling with a matter of logic and intellectual power, and it would be much easier to make a decision or carve a path if you dedicated more time to exploring your options. There is an element of this card that suggests you may already know that you don’t have all the information you need; perhaps you are avoiding a deep dive into the facts because you are afraid that the truth you’ll find isn’t the one you were hoping for. There is no more time for avoidance — it’s time to act. This year, don’t let your fear get in the way of your progress.

Scorpio: Nine of Crystals

In 2020, you need to learn to appreciate your own efforts — look how far you’ve come!

Let me explain. The figure depicted on the Nine of Crystals card in the Marble Moon deck wears a luxurious, sparkling, floor-length dress, with a brilliant pink bird perched on their finger. Surrounding the figure are nine pink, dazzling crystals against a bright blue backdrop with stars painted sporadically. Clearly, this is a picture of abundance, and the person looks upon all they’ve accumulated with pride. It’s implied that this person is thriving in terms of the material world thanks to their own hard work. Whether or not you’re feeling exactly abundant, work to acknowledge this year that you are to thank for what you do have. You have worked hard and earned your “crystals.” 

Sagittarius: Seven of Crystals

Sagittarians, I’m sure you’ve all heard this before, but listen: it may be time to watch your spending.

The Seven of Crystals suggests that wealth is slipping through your fingers. You could be enjoying much more financial success and stability, but your spending habits are putting your funds in jeopardy. Sevens show the first sign of completion in a cycle or process, indicating that there is something you’re missing when it comes to the accumulation of wealth. This card usually appears when you have lost sight of the long-term goal. Envision a future in which you aren’t scrambling for a single Bear Buck to print a paper last minute or digging for change in your car in the Taco Bell drive-through. This future can be yours! Consider drafting a budget, holding onto your receipts and planning a little better for your expenses.

Capricorn: Divine

Everything you need, and all that you need to know, are already within you.

Divine corresponds with The High Priestess in the traditional deck. This card symbolizes receptive energy and, more than anything, intuition. It always shows up in readings when the answer to my question is that I already know the answer — that the choice I’m leaning towards is the most beneficial, or the outcome I expect is the most likely. This year is going to be important for you in terms of learning to trust yourself and your decision-making. Nobody knows what’s best for you better than you do. Block out the noise and pay attention to your own needs this year.

Aquarius: Page of Cups

Be open to new personal relationships, new energies and new perspectives this year.

Pages represent a viewpoint unconsidered in their given suit, and Cups refer to relationships, emotions and intuition. You may need to branch out in terms of who you hang out with, and some of the people you start spending time with may be unexpected. Or, you need to cut the people who are already in your life a bit more slack and allow them to surprise you. In typical Aquarius fashion, you’ve probably identified a personal or emotional aspect of your life that isn’t where you want it to be. The Page of Cups suggests that there is a way forward; it’s just up to you to take the leap and make change happen. You’ll need to think outside the box for this one.

Pisces: Star

Create a self-care routine.

The Star is not the most positive card in the deck — that’s the Sun —but it is a fairly optimistic one. The person symbolized by the Star is someone who is “living their best life,” according to West, but not because life has always been easy for them. In fact, this card follows the most destructive card in the deck, The Tower, which represents a period in which you are at rock-bottom and must allow something to crumble in order to rebuild a more stable structure for yourself. Whatever you may have lost recently, this is your period for building a strong foundation that can propel you forward. Invest in self-care that makes you feel empowered and uplifted, ensure you have a strong support system and remember that the hardest part is now over. We’re moving forward.

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