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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024
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Clusterscopes: Uplifting messages for trying times

Let’s keep this issue’s intro short and sweet. We all know what’s happening. We’ve been practicing social distancing and adjusting to online classes. The news cycle is full of scary statistics. We don’t know how long any of this will last. The world feels confusing and uncertain. 

It’s the kind of situation where tarot can help us the most, however, so I’ll pull a card for each sign of the zodiac as a message about how to get through these trying times. Today, I’m using The Druidcraft Tarot Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm because it’s an optimistic, grounding and nature-based deck. I think we could all use a little bit of that right now.

Aries: King of Pentacles

According to the guidebook by the deck authors, Kings represent “social responsibility, power, success, accomplishment” and steadfastness. We’ve also just entered Aries season, the zodiac new year, bringing forward a month of intense energy and impulsivity—especially for you. More than anyone else, you have a chance to set the tone for the year ahead. Hopefully, most of what we’re experiencing right now won’t last too much longer, but your reaction to the uncertainty can set a foundation for how you handle other challenges that you’ll face. The King of Pentacles suggests that you try your best to be productive during your extra time spent alone or at home, and implies that you may experience an improvement in your finances, business or career as a result of your hard work now.

Taurus: Five of Swords

Unfortunately, the Five of Swords is not usually a positive card. It’s a card that reminds us of “the darkness before the dawn”—that sometimes, things must get worse before they can get better. In terms of the social isolation measures, the excess time to yourself might feel bleak and scary. This card suggests you’ve given into feelings of defeat. Do your best to rise above what’s bringing you down. Perhaps use some grounding techniques or read about how to manage anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will get through this!

Gemini: The Lady

Corresponding to The Empress in the traditional tarot archetypes, The Lady symbolizes that which we can bring into the world when we draw upon our innate skills and interests. According to the authors of the Druidcraft Tarot Deck, The Lady asks you to “open yourself to the fertile nurturing power of the Goddess. This power will fill you with passion and the ability to be creative and to enjoy a life of abundance and sensual delight.” Use your time in quarantine to make art, redecorate your living space, try out new recipes, write that play you’ve always dreamt of or pursue any other creative endeavor that you finally have time to do, and don’t be afraid to share it with others when you’re done! 

Cancer: Three of Wands

The Three of Wands signifies a perfect time to plan, but first, you must be confident in what you’re trying to build or accomplish. It’s a good moment for you to communicate about, write down or plan out the long-term goals you have for an intellectual or business pursuit. This card isn’t necessarily a collaborative one, but it’s actually better to go it alone for now anyway.

Leo: Nine of Wands

As I’ve discussed before, Nines represent the final step of the journey you’re taking related to the suit; with the Wands, it’s a journey related to intellectual or spiritual pursuits. This card is a reminder to be cautious. There is nothing necessarily standing in your way, but you may feel compelled to run to the finish line given the current environment — whether you want to finish something before or during this time of increased isolation — and the Nine of Wands suggests that doing so might throw a wrench in your progress. Just because you’re close to completion doesn’t mean that now is the time to hurry. Tendencies to rush may be stronger now than before in Aries season. Be wary.

Virgo: Ten of Cups

Oddly enough, this is probably a good time for you, Virgo. The guidebook for the Druidcraft Tarot explains that “you can be blessed with good fortune, success and a warm, loving family,” and that there may be a sense of having emerged victorious after a battle of sorts. It’s also the card of looking on the bright side. Maybe you wanted a break from school, and you got it. Maybe you desperately wanted to spend more time with your family; now here’s your chance. Although the circumstances bringing these changes about are obviously quite negative, you should focus on finding the good in it where you can to help you get through it.

Libra: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands often indicates a strong leadership role — one that brings success and satisfaction to all parties. Find opportunities to help others during this time. Whether that means cooking dinner for your family while you’re all stuck at home or encouraging your roommates to spend an afternoon playing board games together instead of watching Netflix independently, you can be the one who brings cooperation and harmony to your living space and inspires others to stay positive and motivated. Sometimes, keeping morale up is the most honorable form of leadership there is.

Scorpio: Nine of Pentacles

Now is an excellent time for introspection, or of “living your ideals,” according to the authors of the Druidcraft Tarot Deck. That means “you may be keen to succeed — both materially and spiritually” and should focus on “enjoying the benefits of a successful and full life on your own” during this time of increased solitude. You have the opportunity now to study yourself, your spirituality and your personal interests rather than remain distracted by endless social obligations and in-person academic requirements. As a Scorpio, time alone is something you appreciate. Use it to grow.

Sagittarius: Seven of Pentacles

This might not seem too pertinent right now, but the Seven of Pentacles is a great financial omen. It’s a card that suggests good results for whatever you’re working on right now and manifestation of your goals. However, it’s also a card that demands patience. The authors of the Druidcraft Tarot Deck suggest to “clear unnecessary clutter from your life (and) take stock of a situation before moving forward” while you wait. When you come out on the other side of this quarantine, things will improve readily. Recalibrate in the meantime.

Capricorn: The Lovers

Yes, it’s an ironic card to pull during a time when we aren’t supposed to get closer than six feet away from anyone, but listen: The Lovers is a dynamic card with many interpretations. It’s probably not suggesting that your love life is about to take off, but what it could mean is that you will grow in your relationship with someone else — or with yourself. For example, you may be calling family on the phone more than usual, or FaceTiming your college friends every day while you’re at home. Or, maybe all this time alone is giving you the space you need to reconcile two conflicting parts of yourself. Either way, some form of love is set to blossom. According to the authors of the Druidcraft Tarot Deck, “at every moment you have a choice. Love is at the heart of life. All creation is born out of love.”

Aquarius: Justice

It’s a somewhat dark card, but not necessarily a negative one. Justice asks us to think karmically — not what you may have done to “deserve” isolation, exactly, but what you must do to move forward in it. Most likely, you’ll need to resolve the battle between acceptance and denial of the circumstances we’re faced with. Temptations to downplay the severity of the virus or the necessity of social distancing may be strong. Lean in and accept that this is out of your individual control. Do what you can to help others, practice more self-care than usual and remember: this is not forever. The balance will one day be restored.

Pisces: The Wheel

Sweet Pisces, the scary state of the world right now is probably more haunting to you than to most of the other signs. The Wheel, like Justice, serves a reminder that we cannot control what happens next as much as we wish we could; that what goes up, must come down; that where we are now is subject to change, not at our will but at the will of the universe. Not a particularly comforting message, I know, but what it does suggest is that a new season or cycle of your life has the chance to begin due to the shake-up in the routines you were used to. This is where you do have control. What do you want to create or become? Take this time to make it happen.

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