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Exam Week Tips and Tricks

Finals week can be extremely stressful and overwhelming, but hopefully, these tips will help you do your best and be sure that you make time to take care of yourself during finals too.
Finals week can be extremely stressful and overwhelming, but hopefully, these tips will help you do your best and be sure that you make time to take care of yourself during finals too.

There are two dreaded words every college student hates to hear: finals week. At the beginning of December, no one wants to be studying and writing papers. All students can think about is being at home, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. Here are a few tips and tricks that can hopefully make finals week a little less dreadful than it already is.


Visit the ARC

The Academic Resource Center is open during finals week! They have study rooms and tutors that can help you out if the library is too crowded. For first-year students, the ARC will be presenting a workshop focused on finals week preparation at the First-Year Friday on Dec. 1. This would be a good time for first-year students to get advice about taking their first round of college finals.


Study in groups

Sometimes studying with people who are in your classes can help, especially if you are struggling with something. Having someone else explain a concept can help you study better. However, make sure that you are not easily distracted. If you find yourself losing focus, it may be better to find a study room by yourself so that you can get some serious studying done.


Go to office hours

If you are struggling with a concept for one of your finals, one of the best things you can do is go to your professor’s office hours. Even if you have a small question, meeting with your professor can help you clarify concepts you need for your final exams. Even if you are just working on a final paper and want confirmation that you are heading in the right direction with your idea, your professors should be happy to help.      

Try to get ahead

Trying to get ahead for finals week can be difficult, especially when we are just getting back from Thanksgiving. However, trying to get started earlier on studying for big tests or writing final papers can help you in the long run. Start reviewing for your hardest finals for 15-20 minutes a day. If you have several exams and one or two papers, try to go ahead and get the papers out of the way so that you can focus on your exams. Even if you don’t have time to get super far ahead, every little bit helps.


Finals week can be extremely stressful and overwhelming, but hopefully, these tips will help you do your best and be sure that you make time to take care of yourself during finals too. Get as much sleep as you can, and take time for yourself when you need it. While grades are important, your health and well-being should always come first.


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