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Five tips for buying gifts this Christmas

With these tips buying gifts will be a breeze! Photo provided by Wikipedia Commons by Kelvin Kay.
With these tips buying gifts will be a breeze! Photo provided by Wikipedia Commons by Kelvin Kay.

The season of giving is upon us and with less than 30 days until Christmas morning, it is also time to start buying gifts. This can be a stressful activity during the holidays. Especially when you want to get your friends and loved ones the absolute best gift possible. To help you find the best present possible, here are five tips for buying gifts.

1. Plan Ahead

Sometimes when buying a gift, it is easy to suddenly forget everything you know about a person and what they may like. Take some time before going shopping to think critically about the person you’re buying for and make a note on your phone of gift ideas when you think of them. This way when you go into the store to find the perfect item you have an action plan and know what has to be bought for everyone on your gift giving list.

2. Think Thoughtfully

We love our family and friends so much that it is easy to fall into the trap of buying the most expensive gift possible. While you can go all out this holiday season, remember that your loved ones will think so much more of a gift that shows you were thinking of them. Remind yourself this holiday season to think about your relationship with others and let that guide you to the perfect gift that is in your budget.

3. Ball on a Budget

Speaking of money, you should plan how much you are going to spend on each gift. Setting boundaries and sticking to them can be really helpful when planning out gifts for all the people in your life. Going into a store and seeing so many options can be overwhelming at times. Keeping a strict budget in mind will help to alleviate some of the holiday shopping stress.

4. Early Bird Catches the Worm

You don’t want to be one of those people stressfully shopping on Christmas Eve for a gift. Start now so that you can catch all those post-Thanksgiving sales. Also having your gift-buying done early allows you time to focus on wrapping and enjoying the holiday.

5. Be Calm

Gift buying can be stressful and cause anxiety. There is so much pressure to give the ones you love the perfect item. It is important to remember that people respect the effort put into getting a gift just as much as the gift itself. At the end of the day, your loved ones simply want to know that you care for them and that matters most of all.

Gift buying can be hard at any time of the year. When it’s the holidays the stress is amplified and can take over your enjoyment of the season. Take these tips with you when buying gifts this season. They will help your holiday be merry and stress-free.


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