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Saturday, Jun 15, 2024
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Valentine's Day DIY Gift Ideas

Courtesy of Pixabay Open When Letters In every college student's life, there has been a time when you just really needed to hear words of encouragement from someone you love. You can give someone this gift by writing letters for them to open whenever they need them. For example, you can have ones ...


Moody Musings: Love yourself first and then some more

It’s that time of the year again. It’s either one of your favorite or worst holidays. Valentine’s Day gives us the opportunity to go above and beyond our usual efforts to show our significant others just how much they mean to us. But for some of us, we may not have that opportunity this year. ...


4 Ways to Make More Time to Work out this Semester

Going to the gym and losing more weight has been people’s New Year resolution for years. But after February, some act as if they forgot what a gym is! A study on states that only 9 percent of citizens stick to their New Year resolutions and accomplish them by the end of the year. If ...


Travel for cheap: Airbnb, Inc. Tips

If travelling more is one of your New Year’s resolutions, here are some tips on how to enjoy fulfilling trips while also maintaining a budget. Taking a trip can often cost a lot with hotel expenses. However, Airbnb is an affordable alternative to hotels. Airbnb is a website that has open listings ...


Bear Bites: Ingleside Village Pizza

A large oak tree looms over the gravel expanse of the parking lot, various metal chairs, bicycles, and oven paddles hanging from its branches, like the project of an overworked and over-caffeinated art student. Ingleside Village Pizza, the sign reads in a mismatched font. The quiet colors and tinted ...


Moody Musings: How to Keep New Year Resolutions

It seems like every January we set high expectations for our year. We list, talk about and even start on what we like to call resolutions. But by February 1st, we always resort right back to our ways of the old year. Starting the year off with an ambitious spirit always feels like the right and only ...


Get better skin: use oils on your face!

When it comes to skincare, I’ve tried it all. Face scrubs. Face masks. Face cream. Recently, however, I came across a better, smarter, and healthier way to cleanse your skin? And… it involves oils. Yes, oils. But not the nasty kind that you generally have issues with. I’m talking about the oil ...


Mercerians share special holiday traditions

With the holidays coming up, more and more people are getting excited about going home and celebrating with their families. Going home also means participating in family traditions. During Christmas, most people decorating a tree together and open presents on Christmas Eve. Some Mercer University ...


Adventures to go on during winter break

Things to do in Macon Ocmulgee National Monument – About 15 minutes from Mercer’s campus lie historic earthworks built by Native Americans 1,000 years ago. If you’re looking for doing some hiking, this is the perfect spot to visit. The park is free and is full of trails and landmarks to explore. ...


Moody Musings: Finals Week Survival Guide

As another semester comes to an end, the time of the year that we’re either looking forward to, or dreading, is upon us. We get one week to show that we were productive and proactive throughout the semester and if we weren’t, we must have the skills and determination to make it look as if we were. ...


How to get motivated to exercise in the winter

It’s finally getting cold in Georgia, and as the temperature goes down, so does motivation. Winter, warm blankets, and comfy clothing are all associated with the urge to sit down and do nothing productive. It’s the reason “chilling” means exactly that. But the cold season, home to many holidays ...


Carl: The Man, The Chef, The Legend

It is only a few minutes past noon, and Mercer University’s Farmer’s Market is nearly filled to the brim. The movement inside is chaotic. People are looking for their friends. People are rushing to class. People are inexplicably caught up in their own lives and their own schedules. That is, ...


Three Thanksgiving recipes you can make in a Slow Cooker

If you’re staying in Macon for the Thanksgiving holiday, you don't have to give up having a home-cooked meal. These three slow cooker recipes are fall favorites that don’t require much more than a crock pot. Invite the people in your dorm over for a Friends-giving, but make sure you schedule in ...


How to feel less guilty on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the day everyone cheats on their diets. An array of food lines the dining table, and you don’t want anyone’s hard work going down the drain, so you eat everything. Then, the next day, you beat yourself up about it because you ate unhealthily. You don’t have to stuff yourself full ...


Bear Bites: Bluetick Mercantile Co.

Normally, I don’t feel the need to travel outside the circle of great food selections in the city of Macon, but when I heard about a newly-opened European style cafe serving up farm to table soups, salads and sandwiches, I had to drive a little extra to see what this place was all about. Visiting ...


Ways to make it through Registration

It’s the most frustrating time of the year: registering for classes. Whether you’re a freshman or graduating next semester, you have probably heard by now that registering for classes is like the Hunger Games. It’s a race against all to lock in the classes you so desperately need to graduate. ...


Bear Bites: Tropical Flava

Tropical Flava might sound like some curbside snowcone stand, but don’t let the name fool you; Tropical Flava is an authentic Jamaican restaurant serving an array of Caribbean food as good as it gets. Located on the corner of Ingleside and Corbin Avenues, it is an experience well worth the seven minute ...


Three Halloween treats to make in your dorm

Forgetting that you don’t actually have a kitchen, you volunteered to make Halloween treats for the people who live on your hall this season. Instead of settling for store bought cookies, these three easy, spooky and dorm-friendly recipes are sure to impress everyone.   Witch Brooms This is ...


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