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Saturday, Jun 15, 2024
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What happens when you snapchat and drive

Spoiler alert: people die. Earlier last month, a lady was so bored in traffic that she started to host her own karaoke show on Snapchat. Before we could give her a standing ovation, the screeching of a car wheel sounded and the livestream abruptly ended. The next snap pictured the diva’s face adorned ...


Black films shine just like we knew they could

2016 and 2017 have so far been the years of black film in cinema. After two years in which the film climate could be summed up in one hashtag — #OscarsSoWhite — the box office has been dominated by the success of predominantly black films and the nation can agree on one fact: It’s about time. Perpetually, ...


Moody Musings: A Conversation on Concentration

There are a little less than two weeks left until final exams. This isn’t a warning, nor is it to scare you. But because of this ticking timeline, every Mercer student’s schedule is about to look a lot different than it has all school year. This isn’t just because exams are approaching, but ...

The Setonian

How to get your waves on swim

Due to the natural texture I have, waves have always been a style I wanted. But whenever my hair was low, I let it dry out and almost never put on my du-rag. When I did decide to try and develop my waves, I was not nearly as consistent as I should have been. In January 2016, I began my journey to acquiring ...


How To: celebrate Easter away from home

With the beginning of spring comes the end of the semester and Easter season. If you’re not able to get home to celebrate Easter with your family this year, these ideas will help you still have a memorable holiday. Volunteer A good way to spend your Easter holiday would be to volunteer in Macon. ...


Bear Bites: Wing N Burger Factory

Although I always enjoy farm-to-table restaurants, European bistros and molecular gastronomy venues, I still love classic unpretentious food like wings and burgers. As it turns out, there is a new restaurant in Macon whose name practically says unpretentious. Located in the shopping center between ...


Moody Musings: Step #1, Find a Mentor

I’ve been to two lectures in the past month that have given insight to students about finding success in college and in their career. Each speaker, Timothy Slocum, vice president of system support services at Navicent Health Center, and career consultant Hugh Hunter, both said that one of the most ...


Spring cleaning for college students

With midterms just behind us and finals creeping closer each day, it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the school work that has to be done.That’s why spring is the perfect time to take a break and organize your life. Thankfully, when it comes to life hacks there is never a shortage of ideas. Here ...


Bear Bites: Sang’s Thai Isaan Restaurant

“What the heck is a Thai Isaan Restaurant?” I asked myself this when I first took a good look at the menu of Sang’s. I had first seen this restaurant when I went across the road to the La D Da Bistro. The only part of the sign that I read was Isaan. I misread it as Indian, so my friends and ...


Health Tips: Sleep Deprivation and Failing All Your Tests

Sleep sounds like something everyone is giving up when they go to college. It’s a common fact that most college students are sleep deprived. It seems that If you’re getting enough sleep, you’re doing something wrong. But are pre-health students walking hypocrites? Here’s why sleep is so important ...


The Cherry Blossom Festival on a college budget

Macon is home to the International Cherry Blossom Festival that takes place every spring. This year the festival runs from Mar. 24 to Apr. 2 and includes many different events that are happening all over Macon. Even if you’re on a tight college budget you can still join in on the festivities. These ...


Spring adventures to go on in Macon

When spring comes around, it gets really hard for college students to focus. Summer is almost here, and it becomes even harder to study. If you’re craving summer adventure, but can’t go very far, these events and places in Macon will make you feel like you’re going somewhere new. International ...


When should I call?

There is so much pressure for college students to get internships and have job options after graduation. Career fairs and networking events are great ways to meet people in your career field that are specifically looking for college students. It’s hard to be noticed when there are a lot of other students ...


Are all sugars created equally? No.

Look at the back of every drink that’s not water and most times you’ll find sugar. And you’ll probably find a lot of it. Sugar has been ingrained in the American diet for ages. When kids behave properly in school, what do we give them? When it’s someone’s birthday and we don’t know what ...


Bear Bites: Ocmulgee Brewpub

Downtown Macon is home to some classic local favorites that serve burgers and other American food, so do they really need another burger place? This is the question I asked myself as I entered the Ocmulgee Brewpub located on 2nd Street right next to Bearfoot Tavern, which is an already established place ...


Affordable spring break trips NOT on the beach

Halfway through the semester, spring break is much needed. The air is getting warmer, summer is getting closer and studying becomes nearly impossible. While many college students want to go to the beach during the break, there are plenty of other fun adventures to go on. If you’re on a budget and ...


Bear Bites: LaDDa Bistro

In the competitive restaurant scene of downtown Macon, there are already a few Asian restaurants that contend to distinguish themselves from just some rice and chicken place. Self-proclaimed as “the next best trend to hit downtown Macon,” LaDDa Bistro on Cherry Street breaks outside the normal barriers ...


5 Ways to Cope with Stress

For some, a new semester is a wonderful time to start off having new professors and new opportunities, which is why it’s best to start off stress-free. But for many, college is a stress bomb. Difficult classes, unhelpful professors, drama, financial situations, parties, drugs — it’s hard to keep ...


Five cheap Valentine’s Day ideas

Since New Year’s ended and the heart-shaped candy started going up in shelves, single and taken people everywhere have known what was coming — Valentine’s Day. As a day commonly surrounded by high expectations, making plans can be a daunting task. With the small budget of an average college student ...


Three Valentine's Day treats to make in your dorm

Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that is all about the candy. Whether you prefer candy hearts or a classic box of chocolate, sugar is a big part of the Feb. 14 celebrations. If you're looking for a homemade treat to celebrate, these three recipes can be made in your dorm room. You can share ...


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