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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024
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Gene Mitchell

The Setonian
Campus News

Female voters key in Davis/Lovett victory

After April 13, those who supported former Student Government Association Senators Dalton Turner and Justin Robinson for President and Vice President may have wondered how their candidates lost by almost two hundred votes (twenty percent of the electorate).  After receiving the election demographics ...

The Setonian
Campus News

SGA presidential race - week 1 analysis

The only person that should be thankful the presidential election period has been extended is Sophomore Senator Dalton Turner.  Senator Turner was perceived undoubtedly as the hands on favorite to win the SGA presidential race, but someone forgot to tell fellow Sophomore Senator Mollie Davis that. ...

The Setonian

Check, Please! Bearfoot Tavern

Cherry Street in downtown Macon boasts several local bars and eateries with great variety for patrons to enjoy.  A new and hip place, located at the end of Cherry Street, has recently opened up to attract college students and young locals.  As most businesses in Macon, Bearfoot Tavern and its staff ...


Check, Please!

To all of my loyal readers, I apologize for my column’s absence over the past two months.  I am very excited to again critique restaurants to better inform Mercer’s student body about where they should (or should not) choose to dine.  To herald Check, Please! back to The Cluster I chose a restaurant ...


check, please!

Downtown Macon has opened up its heart and shown the world how hard work and creativity makes a restaurant successful.  This week I explored the back alleys of downtown to find the hidden treasures that await in a little restaurant (located at 574 Mulberry Street) called Tokyo Alley. Atmosphere The ...

The Setonian

check, please!

In the Northwest side of Macon, at 1693 Bass Road, a charming Italian restaurant named Mirko’s Pasta serves up self-proclaimed authentic Italian dishes to those who wish to experience Italy through their taste buds.   I must profess, having visited Mirko’s previously gave me high hopes for my ...


Check, please!

When I critique a restaurant, I take into account much more than meal quality.  Every aspect must have consideration.  Seating arrangements, for instance, and how much light enters an establishment can ruin a perfect meal. When I dine I usually go with many of my friends.  My friends and I are loud ...

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