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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024
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Bon Appétit: The best Macon takeout

When thinking of the best takeout Macon has to offer, there are a few standout places that attract the most attention. Whether you’re in the mood for good Southern comfort food, ethnic cuisine or a fusion of flavors, this list can help inspire you to rock your pj’s and drive to the nearest restaurant. ...


Four ways to keep proper etiquette on Zoom

With COVID-19 affecting students’ day-to-day lifestyle, many are obligated to continue their learning over Zoom. Beyond using Zoom for classes, the video communications site is also used for interviews, meetings and other virtual gatherings. An important thing to remember when using Zoom is to maintain ...


Here’s how to unplug while staying informed

A raging pandemic, police brutality, catastrophic wildfires and a contentious presidential election: every time we log on to social media or read our favorite news site, we’re bombarded with these emotional stories and painful images of the world around us. But it’s tough to stay away, even when ...


A Mercer student’s guide to voting absentee

Mercer students concerned about going to the polls during a pandemic can now request an absentee ballot online. Anticipating record numbers of absentee voters this election season, Georgia’s Secretary of State office launched a ballot request website Aug. 28.  Any Georgia voter is eligible to request ...


How COVID-19 affected students’ internships

COVID-19 has forced students to adapt in many different ways this year. Zoom has become a classroom for many, housing may be different for some and internships went remote. Students who intended on interning during the summer didn’t anticipate a pandemic or the effects it would have on their experience ...


Six meals to make in your dorm room

COVID-19 has changed the way we go about otherwise mundane tasks. If the pandemic  has made you wary of frequent visits to the dining halls and other on-campus dining options, here are six fun meals that you can easily make in your dorm room, ensuring you keep yourself and others safe. Cheese Quesadillas Cheese ...


Wear your mask, but make it fashion

The novel coronavirus has made an unlikely accessory a normal part of our everyday lives: masks. They are being worn in all sizes, fabrics and colors, and many people have taken the opportunity to express themselves in a new, novel way.  While a mask is technically an accessory, it’s also a necessity. ...


Juneteenth: What is it and how can we commemorate it?

At this time, a multitude of national and international protests over police brutality are occurring. This, along with the continuation of systemic racism, is causing the world to seek concrete change. Many people of all backgrounds are looking into ways to best commemorate, celebrate and understand ...


How to stay busy during a quarantine

With the spread of COVID-19 and everyone spending almost all of their time indoors, it’s important to still keep the same pace that we did when we weren’t in quarantine. Here are some tips on how to keep yourself busy and focused during the quarantine. Make a schedule or to-do list This may work ...


A college student’s guide to the economic stimulus bill

President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion economic stabilization plan, the largest of its kind in United States history, to provide relief to the Americans facing sudden unemployment or under-employment during the COVID-19 response. Most American adults will receive up to $1200 via direct deposit, ...


How waking up at 6 a.m. can impact your life

I am far from a morning person. The number of times I’ve considered switching majors or dropping out of Mercer for an 8 a.m. class borders on absurd. I consider 9 a.m. as ungodly early, and I would gladly sleep until noon if I could. Getting up at 6 a.m. everyday is basically my worst nightmare. So ...


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